Nurse Assistant
Georgia Allied Health Institute – Excellence in Education Since 2003 GAHI
Nurse Assistant Program
The Nurse Assistant program is a comprehensive program designed to prepare the graduate to become a certified nurse assistant. Graduates will receive training in patient health care to include blood pressure monitoring, vital signs, proper body mechanics, cleanliness skills and introduction to body skills. Students will learn skills in patient care assisting patients in attaining and maintaining maximum functional independence, while observing patient rights, as well as the Georgia State certification as a Nurse Assistant.
Program Objectives:
Program Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to perform the duties of a nurse assistant to include:
- How to perform basic first aid
- How to perform CPR/AED
- Take vital signs.
- Apply proper body mechanics in bed making, lifting, and turning patients.
- Demonstrate basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology of body systems. Associate the major areas / departments of the clinical laboratory with the laboratory tests ordered to evaluate a patient’s pathologic condition / illness.
- Hand washing and cleanliness skills
- An introduction to all body systems
To qualify for graduation from this program the students must demonstrate competency in each of the nurse assistant skills and successfully complete the clinical externship. Graduates in this program will be qualified to find entry-level positions in doctor’s offices, hospitals, nursing and convalescent health care facilities.

Total Clock Hours: 104
Estimated Completion Time : 6 weeks
*Indicates prerequisite exists. Student must complete the prerequisite course prior to entry into this course of have the instructor’s permission to enter the course.”